360 Dust Analysis
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360 Dust Analysis


Register for GardenSafe

About you
Your address
Your home
Your garden

Thank you for participating in GardenSafe, EPA Victoria’s Citizen Science soil analysis program. This registration survey asks a few questions about your home and garden to assist with interpreting your results.

Once the registration survey is complete you will be emailed instructions on how to collect and send your garden soil samples to GardenSafe. This email includes a Unique ID number to label your samples with.

GardenSafe testing is available to residents of Victoria, Australia. For testing in other Australian locations please go to VegeSafe.

Privacy Collection Notice

EPA Victoria respects your privacy. Personal information that you provide when you register for GardenSafe is protected under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014. It will be used to contact you, assist us to interpret your soil results, and increase our knowledge of the presence and distribution of pollution, especially in urban areas. If you do not provide your personal information, it will not be possible to participate in the GardenSafe program.

EPA Victoria staff will use your information to produce GardenSafe maps, graphics, tables, figures and reports, which will be visualised in a de-identified format on the open access global interactive map: Map My Environment. This map uses technical controls to prevent people from identifying you or your property. Your personal information will not be disclosed to third parties.

If you have any queries about privacy or wish to seek access to your own personal information, please email privacyofficer@epa.vic.gov.au or view EPA Victoria’s Privacy Policy.

Macquarie University
Northumbria University
Environmental Protection Authority (Victoria)

The 360 Dust Analysis program is a global research initiative to collect and analyse data on contaminants of concern that may be harmful to human health in homes and gardens..






Macquarie University, NSW, Australia.

Environment Protection Authority, VIC, Australia.

Northumbria University, Newcastle, United Kingdom.

IUPUI, Indianapolis, United States.

© 360 Dust Analysis 2017 - 2024